Campaign Success, What's Next?

Local South Shore couple behind Coastal Roots, Brandon and Samantha successfully raised over $60,000 in their first 60 day investment-based capital raise campaign. What’s next for this up and coming cannabis company?

Photo taken at sponsored Cirque Du Funk night at Soundcheck Studio’s in Pembroke, MA by Sofiya Luna Studios.

Local newlyweds, Brandon and Samantha rang in the New Year by launching a 60 day capital raise campaign on a secure investment platform called Mainvest. Mainvest is an online investment platform designed to help small businesses (primarily in the food & beverage industry) raise funding from their direct communities to help kick start projects. Co-founder, Brandon Lynch had been watching several Boston-based cannabis companies yielding success on the platform and as the two had exhausted their own self-funding capabilities, they decided to launch a campaign of their own.

The campaign had a minimum target goal of $50,000 and 60 days to raise the funds. Between social media outreach, direct messaging, email campaigns and sharing flyers in local businesses - the two entrepreneurs took to the streets yelling from the roof tops in order to spread their message. And it worked! It became increasingly clear that the community at large was excited to get behind a truly homegrown, local business who sets out to do things a bit differently. Coastal Roots was able to reach half their target in just the first few weeks of the campaign and eventually surpassing their goal, raising $62,300 total.

Coastal Roots is building a brand centered around community, quality and craft. What better way to celebrate the end of their campaign than at a popular local music venue that Brandon himself has played various gigs at? The two sponsored Soundcheck Studio’s “Circque Du Funk” festival night featuring Sophistafunk, Lee Ross and William Thompson Funk Experiment. Brandon and Sam were right back in their element, setting up their booth, passing out swag bags and sharing their passion with new and old friends. Attending events like this is nothing new for the couple as Coastal Roots began as an herbal tea apothecary in 2017 vending farmers markets, music festivals and cannabis networking events.

Photos taken by Sofiluna Studios @ Soundcheck Studios Cirque Du Funk Night

Now that the campaign has come to an end and the funding has been secured, Coastal Roots is continuing its focus on launching their product line by the end of the year. As of right now, Coastal Roots has a signed lease for a 5,000 sf product manufacturing facility in Middleborough, MA. As Coastal Roots awaits their provisional licensing they are working closely with their architect and general contractor to begin building their brand new facility in August.

What can the public expect from coastal roots in the meantime?

Between now and launch, Coastal Roots is working on a few exciting things. Aside from everything that goes into building a brand, product line and place in the Massachusetts market, the couple is working on some exciting community based events this Summer. If you are a fan of community gatherings, music and cannabis be sure to sign up for Coastal Roots newsletter here. Another exciting announcement to note is that the brand is currently working with one of their favorite businesses in the industry to launch a product on the market shelves in the next few months!

Stay tuned as this is just the beginning of something BIG for this company and you are invited to join along for the ride!